Exclusive Taylor interview!!
Q1) how is it dancing at candy apples?
A1) dancing at CADC is awesome because I learn something new everyday and I get to see all my friends and dance teachers, we are a great team!!!!
Q2) Did Kendall fit in with candy apples or did she stand out?
A2) Well Kendall was my fill in when I broke my ankle but I am back and better now so she was helpful when I was gone but I'm back now!
Q3) If you could switch over to ALDC would you?
A3) No I wouldn't cuz I could never imagine leaving my best friends and dance teachers cuz I have never danced anywhere else before!
Q4) is it hard being on tv and nobody liking your dance company just because Abby doesn't like you guys or do you try to ignore it?
A4) I just try to ignore it because I know theres people that like CADC!
Q5) Do you ever get noticed when you go places?
A5) Sometimes!
Q6) Do you mind when people come unto you and ask for pictures and autographs?
A6) No I actually like it. It makes me feel special lol!
Q7) How long have you been dancing?
A7) I have been dancing at CADC the only studio I have been to for 7 1/2 years!
Q8) What do you want to be when your older?
A8) A dance teacher or school teacher. Anything involving kids!
Q9) If you didn't dance what other sport would you like to do?
A9) Umm basketball!
Q10) What is your biggest dream?
A10) I haven't really thought about it lol!

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